Tour PG Years

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Spend a Day in the Life with PGY1 Megan Duininck (taped Fall 2020)

During the intern year, resident rotations are split into 13 four-week blocks:
8.0 blocks on inpatient psychiatry at Main UW Health Hospital or William S Middleton Memorial VA
0.5 blocks of inpatient Neurology
0.5 blocks VA Community Support Program 

4.0 blocks of general medical rotations that can include:

  • Inpatient Family Medicine (at Main UW Health Hospital)
  • Inpatient Emergency Medicine (at Main UW Health Hospital)
  • Inpatient Internal Medicine (at William S Middleton Memorial VA)
  • Inpatient Pediatrics (at American Family Children’s Hospital)
  • Ambulatory Pediatrics (at American Family Children’s Hospital, and alternate UW Health locations)
  • Ambulatory Medicine at the Mendota Mental Health Institute
  • Ambulatory Family Medicine for rural public health track residents (at various sites around Wisconsin)

Seminars include schizophrenia, depression, delirium, introduction to psychotherapy, anxiety, addiction, DBT, interviewing, and cultural competency, among others. 

PGY1’s are scheduled for night float during their inpatient psychiatry rotations. Night float is assigned to one resident at a time and in two-week blocks. Night float is Monday to Friday, 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. They also take weekend and holiday call from 8 a.m to 6 p.m.

All interns are assigned both a faculty and a resident mentor. The class meets approximately every other week with their Process Group and regularly with other residents for wellness seminars such as Eudaemonia. 

UW Hospital Inpatient Psychiatry Unit- B6/5
VA Hospital Inpatient Psychiatry Unit-2B

Sample schedule

Block 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Family Medicine UW Psychiatry VA CSP/ Neuro UW Psychiatry UW Psychiatry VA Psychiatry Inpatient Internal Medicine VA Psychiatry VA Psychiatry Ambulatory Medicine at Mendota UW Psychiatry UW Psychiatry Emergency Medicine


Spend a Day in the Life with PGY2 Katie Chilton (taped Fall 2020)

In the second year, residents begin their outpatient clinic at the Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute and Clinics (WisPIC). They spend 3 half-days each week at WisPIC, which includes 1 half-day of general adult medicine management,  1 half-day of psychotherapy, and 1 half-day of child and adolescent psychiatry clinic. For six months, 1 half-day per week is spent in the geriatric psychiatry clinic at WisPIC. 

In addition, more time will be spent at the VA Hospital where residents will begin an outpatient clinic there 1 half-day per week. Another 2 half-days per week at the VA will be spent in addiction psychiatry and with additional VA outpatient experiences such as groups. For three months, each resident will rotate through the emergency psychiatry service at the UW Hospital for 1 half-day per week and the VA Integrated Primary Care Behavioral Health Clinic. 

Seminars include the children and adolescent psychiatry series, mood disorders, psychotherapy, emergency psychiatry, CBT, cultural competency, psychopharmacology, anxiety disorders, and consultation-liaison psychiatry, among others. 

The PGY2 year is the most intensive year in regards to call.  PGY2’s a part of a 5-day rolling night float  from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. when scheduled on Mondays-Fridays & 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. on Saturdays-Sundays.  PGY2s are also scheduled to weekend day call from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.. The PGY2 is the triage resident who carries the pager during the call shifts. 

CAP Website (And be sure to check out Dr. Kwiecinski’s presentation on the Opportunities in and after Training page)


Resident Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm
Block 1
Outpatient @WisPIC Geri Admin CAP Psychotherapy Seminars Seminars VA Mental Health Clinic VA Addiction VA Groups
Block 2
Outpatient @WisPIC Geri Admin CAP Psychotherapy Seminars Seminars VA Mental Health Clinic VA Addiction VA Front Door
Block 3
Admin Outpatient @WisPIC VA Mental Health Clinic CAP VA Integrated Care Seminars Seminars Psychotherapy VA Addiction VA Front Door
Block 4
Admin Outpatient @WisPIC VA Mental Health Clinic CAP Emergency Psychiatry Seminars Seminars Psychotherapy VA Addiction VA Groups


Spend a Day in the Life with PGY3 Evan Kourtjian (taped Fall 2020)

PGY3 residents continue their outpatient clinics at both WisPIC and the VA Hospital. They spend two full-days per week for 6 months on the  consultation-liaison service covering psychiatry consults at UW and VA Hospitals (changing beginning July 2022 to week long rotations).  They also complete a quality improvement rotation, a forensic psychiatry rotation at Mendota Mental Health Institute, neurology rotations at UW Hospital, community psychiatry rotations at the VA Community Psychiatry Clinic and Access Community Health, electroconvulsive therapy at UW Hospital, and a geriatric psychiatry rotation at the VA Hospital.

Seminars include neurology, the quality improvement series, cultural competency, supportive therapy, brief therapy, gender issues, and ethics, law & psychiatry, among others.

PGY3’s participate in the Jeopardy call system on weeknights from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. and weekends from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. They take call from home, and can be called in by the in-house resident if needed.

Access Community Health

Mendota Mental Health


Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry

Resident Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm
Block 1
CL CL CL CL Neurology Seminars Forensic Psychiatry Outpatient @WisPIC Psychotherapy VA Mental Health Clinic
Block 2
CL CL CL CL Outpatient @WisPIC Seminars VA Geriatric Psychiatry VA Geriatric Psychiatry Psychotherapy VA Mental Health Clinic
Block 3
Electroconvulsive Therapy VA Mental Health Clinic Quality Improvement Outpatient
Electroconvulsive Therapy Seminars Neurology Neurology Electroconvulsive Therapy Psychotherapy
Block 4
Neurology VA Mental Health Clinic VA Community Psychiatry Access Clinic Neurology Seminars Outpatient @WisPIC Quality Improvement Neurology Psychotherapy


Spend a Day in the Life with PGY4 Israel Labao (taped Fall 2020)

During the final year residents continue their outpatient clinics at both WisPIC and the VA Hospital. They also complete the neurology requirements, participate in a VA elective for a half-day per week, and rotate in the family therapy clinic at WisPIC for a half-day per week. The rest of the time during the PGY4 year is filled with electives such as addiction psychiatry, administrative psychiatry, community psychiatry, DBT, geriatric psychiatry, sleep disorders, among many others.

Seminars include brief therapy, neurology, the preparing for practice series, sexuality and sexual disorders, cultural competency, TBI, adult developmental disorders, advanced psychodynamic psychotherapy, religion and psychiatry, and advanced personality disorders, among others.

PGY4’s also participate in the Jeopardy call system on weeknights from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. and weekends from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. They take call from home, but can be called in by the in-house resident if needed.

Resident Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm
Block 1
Outpatient @WisPIC Elective- Geri Clinic Outpatient @WisPIC Elective- University Health Service Elective- Addiction Psychiatry Seminars Outpatient @WisPIC VA Mental Health Clinic Psychotherapy Outpatient @WisPIC
Block 2
Outpatient @WisPIC Elective- Geri Clinic Outpatient @WisPIC Elective- Neuroradiology Elective- DBT Seminars Outpatient @WisPIC VA Mental Health Clinic Psychotherapy Outpatient @WisPIC
Block 3
Neurology Family Therapy Outpatient @WisPIC Elective- Treatment Resistant Depression Elective- Sleep Seminars Outpatient @WisPIC VA Mental Health Clinic Psychotherapy Outpatient @WisPIC
Block 4
Neurology Family Therapy Outpatient @WisPIC Elective- Mindfulness Group Elective- Administrative Psychiatry Seminars Outpatient @WisPIC VA Mental Health Clinic Psychotherapy Outpatient @WisPIC